Pocket Protector Of Sensitive Injective And Inhalant Vials Against Temperature And Impact Changes


Patent Number (Open this link just with Iran IP): ir 139850140003011419

Information about the invention

Title of InventionPocket Protector Of Sensitive Injective And Inhalant Vials Against Temperature And Impact Changes
Declaration number139850140003011419
Registration number102833
Date of registration of the declaration2020-02-27
Name of Owner/OwnersSeyed Yahya Moradi - Mohammad Hossein Mohammadi - Pejman Mohammadi
Name of Inventor/InventorsSeyed Yahya Moradi - Mohammad Hossein Mohammadi - Pejman Mohammadi
International classificationA47J 41/00
H01J 21/00


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Contact the Inventors for more information

Seyed Yahya Moradi1. Personal Website
2. LinkedIn
3. S.YahyaMoradi@yahoo.com
Mohammad Hossein Mohammadi1. Personal Website
2. LinkedIn
3. M.H.Mohammadimir2017@gmail.com
Pejman Mohammadi