[1] Computer Modeling of Information Transmission Principles and Methods in Telemedicine Networks

Published in Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences (JRUMS), 2018

Authers: S.Y.Moradi, M.Akbari Moghaddam, M.H.Mohammadi


Nowadays one of the modern methods in designing and investigating the methods of diagnosis, treatment, surgery of patients and controlling the consistency after medication or surgery of these people, is the use of telecommunication and remote control methods that perform the necessary monitoring in an accurate and online way. In medical wireless communication networks, the design and duration of network latency and the transmission of data and information has been taken into account due to the modality of time and speed in diagnosis, treatment and improvement of injuries and diseases in clinical medicine.

Based on the mentioned points, a multiple and complex set of factors are involved in the proper design of Telemedicine Networks and the uninterrupted exchange of information through them. Considering all of these factors is very important and at the same time very difficult and even in some cases impossible when it comes to designing network hardware and software and predicting the state and behavior of the network in a state of disruption.

In the present study, a computer model in the Simulink environment was designed to optimize the design of Telemedicine networks in order to investigate the transmission of information in the critical network conditions and the real-time information transmission and asynchronous information transmission were simulated in two hypothetical situations.

Keywords: Telemedicine, online monitoring, wireless networks, real-time networks

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