3th Team Rank, 4th Mobile Programming Marathon honor


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3th Team Rank, 4th Mobile Programming Marathon honor

Team members: Hadi Beigy, Mohammad Hossein Mohammadi, Seyed Ali Akbar Moeini


In today’s world, information technology is considered as one of the necessities of human life and the need for applied programming in this regard has become widespread, so to develop Persian programs with the aim of commercialization and entry into the labor market of capable people in This field and considering that the youth of our country have a lot of talent in the field of mobile programming, the need to attract these talents as a task is the responsibility of each stakeholder in this industry.
In this regard, we are proud to announce that after holding three mobile programming marathons in 1993-95 and the presence of a large number of professional programmers from all over the country, the fourth mobile programming marathon will be held on September 23-25, 2017. And was held at Sharif University of Technology.

🔸What is a programming marathon?

What are we waiting for?
Design and implement a mobile application with your other programmer, graphic designer and idea maker friends. You have 48 hours to present the initial design of your project.
What is important to us?
User Interface: You will certainly not be able to present or complete your best work in 48 hours, it is important for us to take the first steps correctly and with reason, and show us some of what we will see in the future. I’m sure you agree that beauty is an important program, even if it is in the demo stage.
Usability and user experience: It is important that users know how to use your application, and that it is simple and enjoyable for them. Access to different parts, operations and features of the program is designed to be easy so that the user does not feel confused, can easily and quickly get what he wants and does not feel nervous. Think about it as much as possible, and implement the most prominent ones, so that we too can test the final sense.
Creativity: What we will learn from your documents, your writings and your program code is how creative you can be. You will face challenges, we want to know how you will find creative structures, solutions and programs to meet these challenges, whether in ideation, usability or application code.
Ideation: A good idea must be well implemented. However, the first step is to come up with an idea. A good idea has certain conditions, either it is an innovative idea, or the existing idea has been improved. But a good idea can be measured by criteria.
Project Purpose and Monetization: Most projects pursue one or more goals, come to gather information, sell products, advertise, and so on.
Think of ways to generate revenue for your project. You need to know in detail what you are going to achieve. Not only do you think about creating a program or service, you should also think about what you want to do in the future. Please pay more attention to this issue and be creative.
Programming and implementation: Your teamwork method, programming environment, technologies used, tools used and finally the code is written and your coding method is also important to us, of course, as much as 48 hours of work and Compared to other participants. Always have reasons for what you are doing and share it with us so we know how you thought, and why you did it.

🔸The main challenges of the fourth programming marathon

To select the main challenges of the competition, a meeting of the Industry Relations Committee is held one week before each marathon, and representatives of active groups in this field are invited to this meeting. According to the needs of the present collections and the discussion of technology day, the challenges of this event were selected as follows.


  • Health in urban life in cities with polluted air
  • Gamification game to promote health

Financial Technology

  • CrowdFunding rewards, loans and partnerships
  • User behavior in the field of finance and banking
  • Electronic wallet and micro and very small payments

Social Responsibility

  • Informing and creating a culture about the water crisis
  • Increase the quality of life of certain groups, such as veterans, the disabled, the enlightened and the elderly
  • Play to control city traffic for a better driving culture

Sport And Entertainment

  • Sports fan competitions
  • A game centered on discovering individual
  • Interests, desires, and inclinations

🔸Refereeing stages

During 48 hours, the teams will design and execute their programs in one of the areas. Each area will have its own judging criteria, so the project completion process must be done with these criteria in mind to achieve the highest scores.
The first refereeing team consists of friends who each specialize in a specific topic from the above topics. During the competition process, the referees go to each team and in addition to giving the necessary advice and observing activities and achievements, with the teams They talk about how they work and gradually record the scores of each team. These people will review your software according to the criteria of your chosen field. Registered scores introduce the best teams in each field. Until the end of the competition, no one knows the result of this selection, so the teams must continue the process of completing the project and other necessary items according to the previous process. At the end of 48 hours and at the closing ceremony, the names of the teams that advanced to the second stage will be announced gradually. Each team has 10 minutes to present what they have designed and implemented. The second arbitration team will record its votes based on the criteria of each constituency. The referee points of the first stage plus the referee points of the second stage will determine the best ones.

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